Feb. 23/16


853 Arlington ave. Washington AV. Turkey

Everyone hates mowing their lawn. Now, if you do like mowing your lawn, you have no reason being here. :/ Now, this isn’t just any lawn mower, this product is AMAZING! This AMAZING mower can cut grass by it self! Just put in the diameter of your yard on the screen and off it goes! It won’t miss a single strain of grass. AMAZING RIGHT! Plus, it’s solar powered! It’s Eco friendly and efficient. 😀

To make it even more Eco friendly,  it has a air vacuum that sucks up all the pollution/smog and turns it into fresh clean air!

This stupor more is the only one in the planet! Be the one to get it while it is still on market!

go to Kijiji to buy this AWESOME lawn mower! (fake)
