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January 2016

S.M.A.R.T goal #1

Today, I will introduce somthing new, I will turn 3 of the 10 list of New Years resolution into S.M.A.R.T goals witch stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely my first goal is to improve my spelling (#1 from… Continue Reading →

New Years resolution

#1 Improve my writing #2 Improve clairity in writing #3 Get more creative with words #4 Finnish homework on time #5 Be more helpful with my mom #6 Clean up my room #7 Watch less TV, IPad, computer, etc. #8… Continue Reading →

Merry 2016!!!!

Happy new year everyone!!!  I can’t believe it is already 2016, this time of year is usually the time that fly’s by. Now, out of my imagination, what do I want to be invented this year? The first out of… Continue Reading →

Saabir’s interests #2 Lusitania

Next on my list of three is the Lusitania. The Lusitania was a Cunard ship (Cunard is a ship company), the Titanic was a White Star Line ship (WSL is a ship company). Cunard and White Star Line where rivals,… Continue Reading →

Where I want to go – Disney Land!

“Unforgettable” This is what all of my friends say when they come back from Disney Land/World. I mean, who doesn’t want to go there, all of the show and rides and attraction’s! How fun is that.

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